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I wish I could  show you

when you are lonely

or in darkness

the astonishing light

of your own being.




I wish I could  show you, when you are lonely or in darkness,

the astonishing light

of your own being.

- Hafiz




My somatic practice is devoted to relieving the physical and emotional effects of trauma and chronic stress.  A Somatic Experiencing and Hanna Somatics practitioner in Oakland for more than 18 years, I have a gentle, educational approach to help you learn how to calm your body’s emergency response system, quiet your mind and build a sense of safety and resilience in your life.  My goal is to guide you to the healing resources that live within your symptoms and have been a part of you all along.


I focus on helping people with trauma ranging from accidents, falls, medical procedures, and physical or sexual assault to developmental trauma (relational issues stemming from early abuse, neglect or stress patterns that began in childhood).  This includes PTSD, chronic stress, protective bracing in the body and recovery from injuries.  Because of my own experience resolving chronic pain, I have a strong interest in drug-free therapy for long-term pain, chronic muscle tension and movement limitationsI also have an affinity for helping those with a spiritual or mindfulness practice to navigate difficult energetic or emotional experiences that can arise during meditation and spiritual inquiry.  As an artist myself, I welcome those who have (or are interested in) using the creative process as a tool for inquiry.  I enjoy collaborating with doctors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists,  bodyworkers, clergy and other care providers to form a supportive team for my clients.  All ethnicities, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations are warmly invited.

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Free Phone Consultation

510-465-4630 or

NeuroAffective Relational Model

Somatic Experiencing

NeuroAffective Touch

Hanna Somatic Education

An opportunity for you to share

what you're wanting for yourself in

this chapter of your life, and what you'd

like from our work together.

Based in Oakland CA

Telehealth online sessions provided

throughout the US and abroad.



Difficult life experiences can make a lasting imprint, shaping our sense of identity and world view.  When you work on core struggles through the lens of your body it takes you to the place where rational thought meets instinct, giving you access to your deepest strength and wisdom.  It also connects us to primal survival mechanisms that are designed to keep us safe.  Chronic stress, trauma and PTSD cause these lifesaving systems to get stuck in over-drive, creating feelings of helplessness, anxiety, shame, depression, hypervigilance and chronic tension and chronic pain.  The body is both where our stress response resides and where our nervous system calms itself.  Somatic Experiencing, NARM and Hanna Somatics work with entrenched emotional and physical struggles through the vehicle of the body, and giving you the best chance to work through challenges at the deepest level and in the most profound way. 

Somatic Therapies Offers Help for:
  • post traumatic stress (PTSD)

  • stress relief

  • childhood trauma and attachment issues

  • emotional abuse and sexual abuse

  • abandonment or neglect

  • recovery from physical injury and medical procedures

  • chronic pain and tension

  • preparing for surgery, recovering from surgery

  • car accidents, falls

  • choking

  • psychosomatic disorders

  • spiritual challenges or crisis

  • workplace stress

  • life transitions

  • loss and grief

  • anxiety, fear, panic attacks, hypervigilance

  • depression, fatigue

  • feeling stuck in shame, low self-esteem

  • feeling easily triggered, exaggerated emotional responses

  • feeling numb, vague, spacy

  • ruminating, intrusive thoughts or memories

  • chronic pain, fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet sydnrome

  • other chronic physical ailments

  • repetitive stress injuries

  • headaches, migraines

  • protective bracing and tension

  • insomnia

  • asthma, breathing difficulties

  • digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome

  • sensitivity to light and sound

  • physical symptoms with no apparent cause

Self-Care Tools
to help you:
  • Develop a sense of safety and resilience, even during times of stress and overwhelm.

  • Learn how to stay present in your body and get to know your inner landscape in a new way.

  • Cultivate curiosity about your symptoms, and discover new ways to respond to physical and emotional pain.

  • Untangle worrisome body sensation and chronic pain from emotional content and mental interpretation.

  • Reduce muscle tension that compresses joints and nerves and pulls the body out of alignment

  • Speed recovery from injury and surgery

  • Increase flexibility, stability, and ease in your body, especially as you age

  • Learn important skills you can use for the rest of your life to reduce sensitivity to stress and relieve pain.

abby rose somatic therapies ~ oakland ca ~ online sessions available

narm, somatic experiencing & hanna somatics for stress, trauma, ptsd & chronic pain

Copyright 2025 by Abby Rose.  All Rights Reserved.  Trauma Therapy & Somatic Education.   Oakland, CA.   510-907-1882

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